Eastern Area Health Education Center

Find Convenient Student Housing for Your Rotations in Eastern NC

As a way to support health professions students in the region, Eastern AHEC maintains student housing in eastern NC and surrounding areas. First priority is given to in-state students on primary care rotations. Other students may apply for housing and receive approval based on availability.

View Our Student Housing Sites Online

Online Housing Application Process

If you are applying for student housing, all requests must be made through the statewide MyAHEC website. Create an online account/profile, and select which region you need housing. Each of the nine AHEC websites may have individualized housing descriptions, rules and agreements, but you only need to complete the initial housing application on MyAHEC.

Have questions about housing in eastern NC and the surrounding areas, or need to return your completed paperwork? Please email eahechousing@ecu.edu.

As part of our student services, Eastern AHEC offers medical student housing in eastern NC and the surrounding region.